Thursday, June 19, 2008

Question # 3

Justify or contradict these trends by citing examples.
1) Mis users are more knowledgeable. I consider my self as a best example because as of now I got of informations about MIS that i could use in applying in different aspects.
2) More power is available to the have the power to decide especially in managerial decision making. Example: For the managers, it helps in conceptualizing in making decisions that nobody could influence them in pursuing their management capacity.
3) Resistance to the implementation of emerging MIS subsiding. Example:there are bank institutions who have a subsidize/parent company, so when they are implementing new rules and regulation it can easily send it to them for them to be aware or be inform. 4) Connectitivity. They can easily furnished information such as call center are the best example.
5) Mis is becoming one of the primary of increasing productivity. Example: The company particular in the production area, the use of computerized and hi-tech equipment for faster and quality output.
6) Companies are using mis as a competitive strategy. As of now, MIS is being use mostly by companies like Matsuhita company, a big company that need MIS especially in sales report making.They pass their sales report to their sister company if they have so that they could gather more information needed by the company in managing the work and their operation as well as helping in solving their problems.
8) The end user is encoming the focus of MIS activity. Once you now have the knowledge of MIS in how to use it properly, it makes as a hobby to your life that you can use anytime. Example those IT teacher that make MIS as a hobby they can use it as a extra income by teaching those who want to have an extra information about the subject.
Aileen Grace Siguenza BSC-MA3

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