Monday, September 22, 2008

Final blogpost # 3

TOPIC: THE VIRTUAL OFFICE (VO)Question # 3: 1. Describe or define VO.2. Distinguish VO from MIS.3. Illustrate (give examples) how VO can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

Virtual Office is a web-based tool that provides a range of information on most office-based hazards. it reinforces the need to use a risk management approach when identifying and controlling office based hazards. Virtual Office easily manage data (emails, contacts, meetings, documents, tasks, ...). Virtual Office have information archival and retrieval system that runs on the latest IT networks and serves the needs of organizations large and small. whereas MIS the manager evaluate the newest and most innovative technologies and determine how the information help their organizations as to increasingly involved with the upkeep. maintenance and security of the networks.

It makes an organization efficient because with it, vital information is at the fingertips of the organization's users. Any user on the IT network can retrieve information from the central storage within a few seconds after making a request.
The original information is never lost, never misfiled and is always available. Multiple users can retrieve the same information simultaneously unlike with paper based manual filing systems in which only one user can have access to a file at any time.
Organizations that are using Virtual Office can never be without it. Through it's use they realize how it makes their job and decision making fast and helps in making their organization save time; time, that normally with a manual filing system is wasted in searching for information that is needed.

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